Talkline open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday 7pm - 10pm (UK time). Outside of these hours you can leave a message or request a call back.

About Us
We’re here to end abortion stigma one conversation at a time.
We dream of a world free from abortion stigma.
Abortion is a common, safe and legal part of healthcare - the vast majority of people who have an abortion saying that their first feelings were of relief and gratitude. But abortion isn’t often represented that way in the media and public life, which can make it hard to talk about. We’re here to change the conversation by offering support free from judgment. Whether you’ve experienced an abortion yourself, work as an abortion provider or just need to talk - we’re here to listen.
We’re on a mission to encourage individuals and communities to have conversations about abortion to end abortion stigma. Abortion Talk runs the UK’s first and only free, confidential Talkine for anyone who needs a safe space to talk about their abortion experience. We also run workshops for abortion providers and community groupsactivists, giving them time to explore the rewards of their work and the challenges of abortion-related stigma.
Until abortion stigma is a thing of the past, we’ll keep the conversation going.
Our Story
With our roots in the pro-choice movement in the 1980s, Abortion Talk was relaunched in 2021 by a community committed to ending abortion stigma. Since then, we’ve had over 1,000 calls from people who needed their experiences to be heard. We’ve hosted workshops around the UK, to connect abortion providers and activists and give them the space they need to feel valued. We’re proud of our pro-choice legacy and the values that continue to inform our services today.
Our Values
We believe there is no right or wrong way to feel about your own abortion.
Abortion isn’t straightforward for everyone. We recognise and respect that.
We are pro-choice. Everybody should have the right to choose whether to continue or end a pregnancy. Abortion should be safe, legal, free and accessible at home or close to home for everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, religion, disability or socio-economic background.
We are pro-voice. We believe that harmful stigma around abortion is reinforced when people are unable to talk about it. We recognise the benefit of enabling those who have had, or provided, abortions to discuss their experiences.
We support reproductive justice. We recognise the economic, social, cultural, and political constraints within which people make choices about pregnancy. We support initiatives that highlight and tackle the impact of poverty, racism, and other forms of discrimination on people’s ability to make pregnancy choices and access appropriate care.
Our Projects
Our public engagement projects seek to address abortion stigma by bringing real stories of abortion into the open. These stories show how an unplanned pregnancy is a part of so many people’s lives, how different people have made their decision about having an abortion, and what the process was like for them. Our hope is that by creating a space in which everyone can share their stories, we open up conversations about real experiences of abortion – positive and negative – to enable us all to speak, to listen, and to understand without judgment.

Donate to End Abortion Stigma
As a small, volunteer-led charity, every gift makes a difference.
£15 pays for our Talkine’s telephone line for one month
£30 pays for us to train one pro-choice volunteer to take calls and provide support
£50 pays for a community activist to attend one of our stigma-busting workshops
Our Annual Conference
Tickets are now on sale for our first conference!
Abortion: decriminalise, destigmatise, demedicalise
We are teaming up with the fabulous Doctors for Choice UK to co-host a day event focusing on decriminalising, destigmatising and de-medicalising abortion. Make sure to get your ticket now for a day of fantastic talks and discussion as well as mingling with an awesome pro-choice crowd.
Fetal Medicine Research Institute, Kings College Hospital 16-20 Windsor Walk London SE5 8BB
Fri, 7 Jun 2024 9.30am–5pm
Drinks reception 5-7pm
Ticket prices £10-£30