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Abortion Care Fundamentals for healthcare professionals
Duration: from one hour – full day| Delivery: in person or online | Number of participants: up to 100 per session | Price: from £300 | Recommended for: all healthcare providers, and medical, nursing and midwifery students
1 in 3 women in the UK access abortion care. All healthcare providers will encounter patients who need an abortion or have had one or more abortions.
This workshop will equip participants with a working knowledge of UK law and abortion provision. It will build their confidence to provide competent and respectful care before, during or after their patients have an abortion.
This workshop has been designed to be inclusive and respectful of all participants beliefs. including participants with a conscientious objection to abortion.
This workshop can be adapted for doctors, nurses, midwifes, medical students, nursing students and midwifery students.
Why Choose this Workshop?
To understand UK abortion law and provision.
To know about the different types of abortion.
To be able to inform patients about how to access abortion care.
To understand what happens in an abortion consultation.
To be able to respond to patients’ questions about what happens when they have an abortion.
To be able to explore patients’ feelings about their pregnancy.
To understand the role of counselling and safeguarding assessments in abortion consultations.
To be able to explain the risks and complications of abortion.
To understand when patients should seek medical advice after an abortion.
To learn how to counteract abortion stigma and provide respectful care.
To learn the scope of healthcare providers’ right to opt out of abortion care.
To build confidence to talk to patients who need or have had one of more abortions.
To improve patient care.
Workshop Costs
1 hour Workshop
2 hour Workshop
Half Day Workshop
Full Day Workshop
* With additional travel expenses if arranging a face-to-face workshop.