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Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy

We welcome your feedback. Find out how to contact us with a comment, compliment or complaint, and what to expect when you do.

1. What this policy covers
Abortion Talk is committed to providing high quality services. We want our services to achieve the highest standards in all that we do, no matter what the service is or where it takes place. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve is by listening and responding to feedback.

This policy outlines how we deal with feedback (including comments, compliments and complaints) about any of our functions or services.

2. What is a comment, compliment or complaint?
We value comments and suggestions so that we can improve what we do, and where you think we have done particularly well we would be delighted to hear from you.
If you have a concern or you are dissatisfied with any aspect of Abortion Talk’s services or activities, we also want to hear from you so that we can respond to your concern, try to resolve any issues and learn from what you have told us.

3. Policy principles
We welcome positive feedback so that if something has gone well we can continue and repeat it. If something has gone wrong, we would like to know so that we can prevent it happening again.

The principles of this policy are that we want to ensure:

  • Commenting is as easy as possible.

  • Any necessary communications with you about your feedback are prompt and polite.

  • We learn from comments and use your feedback to improve our services.

  • We respond to you in the right way, for example with an apology where things have gone wrong, or with an explanation or information as appropriate.

  • We treat your complaints seriously and aim to respond to them quickly, positively, effectively, and satisfactorily.

  • We put right any shortcomings that are within our control.

4. How to submit feedback to us
If your feedback relates to the Talkline please contact

For social media and web content, workshops and general comments please contact

If you have a concern or problem you should try, in the first instance, to resolve the problem with the service or person concerned. They will often be able to put things right very quickly and simply.

If you do not know who to contact or do not feel comfortable raising it in the way suggested, please send an email to or write to us at:

Abortion Talk 
Crown House
27 Old Gloucester Street

In relation to any complaint or compliment, whomever it is sent to, it would be helpful if you could state clearly and briefly:


  • What went wrong or what went well

  • When and where it happened

  • Who was involved

  • What you want from your feedback

  • Your name, address and contact details (telephone and/or email)

5. Response to your feedback
The way in which we respond to your feedback will vary according to its nature – for example a compliment might not need a written response.

Where contact is through we will log the communication and pass it to the most appropriate person to respond.

If you make a complaint, we will aim to send you a receipt within 14 days, which will give you the name of the person who will be responding more fully.
It may be necessary for that person to contact you for further information.

All complaints will be treated with an appropriate degree of confidentiality, and information will only be shared with staff and volunteers as necessary to assist in understanding what has happened and to respond.

We will reply to your complaint as soon as we are able to and our aim is to gather any further information which is needed and to respond to you within 14 days of telling you who is dealing with it. Where this is not possible, we will let you know when you will receive a full response.

6. If you wish to take the matter further
If, after you have received this response, you still think that the matter has not been resolved, your comments will then be passed to an Abortion Talk Trustee (who has had no previous dealings with the issue) and they will look at the issue further.

We will aim to inform you in writing within 14 days of who that person is and when they will respond to you. We will aim to send you a response, in writing, giving you the findings and recommendations in answer to your comments within a further 21 days. This is the final stage of our response.

7. Reporting on feedback
An annual report is submitted to the Abortion Talk Board of Trustees, which summarises the comments, compliments and complaints received during the year.

8. How to make a complaint about us to an external regulator
If you feel that you should be complaining to an external body, you can ask the Trustee for information.

The main body which regulates us is the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

It’s entirely up to this external body whether or not they choose to look into a complaint. Generally, they will only look into more serious issues. Even where they will look into issues they will often, though not always, expect you to have contacted us first.

Contact the Charity Commission through their online form.
Or write to them: PO Box 1227, Liverpool, L69 3UG

For more information, visit

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