Talkline open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday 7pm - 10pm (UK time). Outside of these hours you can leave a message or request a call back.

Talking About Abortion:
Theatre Staff
Duration: from two hours – full day| Delivery: in person or online | Number of participants: up to 30 per session | Price: from £400 | Recommended for: Surgical Theatre Staff
Delivered as one workshop or a series of workshops, these sessions are geared towards all theatre staff who work in facilities that provide surgical abortion (vacuum aspiration and dilation and evacuation), no matter what their beliefs about abortion.
This workshop provides a respectful space for theatre staff to learn about UK abortion law and provision, as well as to explore their values and beliefs about abortion and the scope of their right to conscientious objection. It also gives staff the opportunity to discuss the rewards and challenges of their work and issues around departmental processes and policy.
This workshop is recommended for services that:
Plan to provide surgical abortion.
Already provide surgical abortion and want to provide ongoing staff support.
Already provide surgical abortion but plan to increase the pregnancy duration at which they operate.
Have experienced an incident around conscientious objection.
Why Choose this Workshop?
To improve staff knowledge on UK abortion law and provision.
To consider the reasons people have abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
To consider the reasons people opt for a surgical rather than a medical abortion.
To explore the importance of providing surgical abortion (up to the legal limit).
To challenge abortion myths and stigma.
To give staff a full understanding of their right to conscientious objection, its scope and how to opt out of care respectfully.
To explore the impact on the service of conscientious objection.
To give staff a space to reflect on their own values and resolve values conflicts.
To give staff the opportunity to reflect the rewards and challenges of their work.
To give staff the opportunity to input into departmental processes and policies.
To foster staff morale and commitment to abortion care.
Workshop Costs
2 hour Workshop
Half Day Workshop
Full Day Workshop
* With additional travel expenses if arranging a face-to-face workshop.